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Creating high-capacity batteries at Vanderbilt

Magnesium batteries can potentially offer almost double the energy capacity of lithium-ion batteries; this can help advance technology for electric vehicles, drones, and many other devices.














Research Activity:

Vanderbilt University Research Internship

  • Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (VINSE) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU),

  • 400 hours, Summer 2019


I worked with my PI, Dr. Cary Pint and graduate student mentor, Janna Eaves to investigate cathode materials for their use in magnesium (Mg) batteries. Magnesium batteries can potentially offer almost double the energy capacity of lithium-ion batteries. This can help provide a more efficient method of solar energy storage and advance technology for electric vehicles, drones, and other devices.

Specifically, I worked with the cathode material, tungsten diselenide to better understand how it interacts in a Mg-ion cell. To get up to speed on this pioneering project, I read lots of academic papers, texts on electrochemistry, and online articles. I created the cathode and other materials needed to conduct experiments. Then, I set up and ran experiments gathering data on electrochemical cells, and analyzed data with my mentor and utilized MATLAB.

Learning Objectives:



In preparation for the REU, I took the RCR CITI Responsible Conduct in Research ethical training course. I also learned more about ethical conduct in research by attending a program seminar. Through these trainings, I gained a better understanding of specific scenarios involving research and best ethical practices. I applied this training by documenting work honestly and completely and being transparent with my mentor and other lab mates.



I learned to be more patient with myself in learning electrochemistry concepts completely new to me. Also, material preparation for experiments and the experiments themselves did not always go as planned. To prepare for experiments, I passed all materials into the glove box and attached all materials to three tiny alligator clips, which each rested in respective holes in a piece of tiny glassware about the size of a lemon, all while wearing three pairs of gloves. One pair was required for handling materials in the lab, the second was worn to work within the glove box, and the third pair was to protect the glovebox gloves from chemicals like the electrolyte. Although setting up these materials with multiple pairs of gloves was challenging, I persisted and adapted new techniques to handle the small materials and utilized small tools, like tweezers and spatulas to continue the experiment setup. This helped to improve my dexterity, also known as “science hands” in the lab.


I became more flexible when unforeseen instances arose. For instance, when I accidentally broke a platinum rod needed for testing, I improvised by taking the broken pieces and linking them together to continue with the test which takes days to prepare.


Formulate questions and hypotheses within the discipline

No one else had previously worked on the exact research project. With the help of my mentors’ familiarity and background, I formulated questions and hypotheses to help myself understand the technicalities of the project. To better understand a data acquisition method, cyclical voltammetry, I asked questions regarding the curvature of the voltammograms to better understand the underlying chemical reactions so that I could conjecture what experimental results would ideally yield and interpret actual results.

Write clearly and effectively  

I practiced effective written communication by summarizing information gathered from papers and texts, documenting experiment protocols, and writing key pieces for the project research poster and abstract. I had never created a research poster and had only previously written an abstract for a previous project. Receiving suggestions from lab members and revising the concise language for the poster and abstract helped me to understand how to write in a brief, engaging manner.


Through this experience, I discovered a great deal about how to conduct battery research and the involved methods. I learned to formulate new questions and creatively solve issues that arose. Participating in this REU allowed me to build upon my previous research experience gained at the University of Chicago. Throughout this challenging project, I improved upon a variety of skills, one being persistence. The world of battery research was completely new to me, as well as the fundamental electrochemical background information. Learning new chemistry-based information was initially difficult because it was so different from topics covered in many of my mechanical engineering classes. However, I was able to delve deeper into electrochemical topics necessary for my project by first shifting my mindset to be more comfortable with learning chemistry-based topics. I realized that I was initially intimidated by chemistry because previous experiences learning the subject had left me discouraged and confused. However, this time I deliberately chose to tackle the subject and not give up. Then, sought information and explanations from a variety of online websites, YouTube videos, textbooks, and graduate students. When explanations were not yet clear, I continued to seek sources and ask better questions to fill the gaps of misunderstanding. Then, I immediately applied them to my work. It was great to see the direct link between theory to applications furthering my project.


Persisting through the learning curve revealed that I could truly learn anything. Persistence is the key to mastering any concept or skill. For instance, when some lab setup techniques required  a very high level of dexterity, I kept working at my “science hands,” sought creative solutions to accomplish lab material fabrication and setups, and ultimately improved my speed in completing lab work. This research experience also helped me to become a more effective communicator. In addition to learning to ask the right questions, I learned to concisely convey complex ideas. Receiving feedback from lab members and language for my research poster and abstract helped me to understand how to write in a brief, engaging manner. In turn, this writing, helped me to verbalize those ideas effectively and present them well. In future work, I will use these improved communication skills to share ideas with others, and I possess even more confidence and grit to overcome daunting challenges.

Additional Learning Objectives:

Express ideas in an organized, clear, concise, and accurate manner

I learned to express ideas in an organized, clear, concise, and accurate manner by concisely communicating information daily, during group meetings, and symposia poster presentations. Throughout the experience, I worked with my graduate mentor to effectively communicate project progress and present updates to the rest of the lab group, which also provided useful a critique of my mid-summer presentation. This continual communication practice, coaching, and constructive feedback on my presentation and final poster presentation immensely helped me to concisely communicate complex ideas.

Effectively connect multiple ideas and approaches

My interdisciplinary project required materials science knowledge to create the experiment materials and electrochemistry understanding to run chemical reactions at varying voltage rates. Through this project, I saw how various subjects intersected and realized how each student uniquely contributed to research due to their varying backgrounds, in material science, physics, and mechanical engineering.

Understand how practitioners think within the discipline and view the world around them

By interacting with my graduate mentor, PI, and other graduate students, I learned their methods for problem-solving and motivation to conduct battery research that will impact the world and more.

Predict, recognize, and weigh the risks and benefits of the project for others

By creating the electrochemical cells from scratch and using hazardous materials, I learned how the materials I worked with and others can be applied to battery technology. Future implementation of the batteries can have huge consequences, positive and negative. Careful consideration of how materials are disposed of or reused, as well as the myriad of potential applications, is important.

Creativity - Bring new insights to the problem at hand

Over the summer, I became more dexterous to complete lab tasks, however, when I made a mistake, I sought creative solutions to ameliorate situations. I created a new way of plugging a chamber for experiential setup.

Linking theory to practice

After reading up on electro-chemistry topics, I immediately applied them to my work. It was great to see the direct link between theory to applications furthering my project.


© 2020 by Elyssa Ferguson

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